Saturday, October 9, 2004

Two Important Anniversaries

Today and next Monday, October 11 are two very important dates for me. That's because today is my 36th birthday. I guess I'm definitely middle aged now. That's okay though because the coolest thing about my b-day is that I also share it with the late John Lennon!

Monday, October 11, is important because two years ago on this date, I arrived in Paris from my hometown, Chicago, with my French husband of six years, two little girls (ages five and two weeks), and a cat! The family dog arrived three months later after clearing quarrantine.

When I arrived I didn't speak a word of French (and even now only conversationally), and having only been to France on vacation a couple of times, I knew very little about the culture, let alone the business culture.

To say that I was scared is an understatement. I resisted the move to Europe on every level in the beginning, but eventally I remembered that I so love a good challenge! I also enjoy the quiet satisfaction of proving others wrong! So along the way, it has been and continues to be at times, a bumpy ride as I learn to adjust to my adopted city, yet keep communication open back home.

Tales from the Seine is just that: Stories that chronicle my journey of living and running a business in France. They are the types of stories I share with my friends both here and back home. A lot of things have happened to me (some good, some bad, some very amusing) but I've learned a lesson from every situation. In the process I hope all of my experiences are helping me to become a better wife, mommy, businesswoman and human being.

So if you should happen to stumble across my blog, please take a moment to read my entries and join in the discussion. These are just my musings on being in Paris. I'm too busy or lazy to keep a journal, but I guess I have a lot to say about the things I've encountered! I hope the lessons I've learned can help you as well.

Until my next posting, make everyday a good one!


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