Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Commitment Pays Off

It's been three months since I started seeing Dr. Evil. I guess he knows what's he doing because I've lost almost 15 pounds. I guess that's a good start. If I keep it up I could be back in that size 8 dress before the summer ends.

To be fair, he shouldn't take all of the credit. I mean, it's me who's trying really hard to stick to that crazy Zone diet. But also, my dear hubby has been great too. In fact, he's a bit of a new-age, vegetarian, workout, health nut! How he ended up with me, I'll never know. Anyway, he's been great in advising me on the things I can and cannot eat - especially when I've grown tired of salads, spinach and most green veggies.

My sister, Rainy, back in Chicago has been a big help too. She's always reminding me to keep my portions the size of my fists. That's been good advice because now I can cheat one day a week with a meal and even a dessert.

We're still feuding, Dr. Evil and I. Last week, he was mad because I missed my 9 am appointment. What he didn't know was that I had strep throat. The pharmacist accidently prescribed penicillin and I broke out in a terrible rash! There was no way I was going any place. I was spending all my time cursing and wondering why the hell Benadril wasn't sold over the counter in this god-forsaken place!

When I did see him today, he was frosty. He told me that he got my husband' s message but was disappointed that I didn't show. I would have taken that okay until he said, "And if I 'ad known you weren't coming, I would not 'ave come into work so early!"

I said, "It was nine o'clock! Where I come from, that's the time all able-bodied working people ought to be in the office, whether you have appointments or not. And anyway, you live upstairs over your office! What, it was too much trouble for you to commute one floor down?"

Again, nothing but laughter from him. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just the crazy American or if something is amiss here. Not just with him, but in the cultural differences in general. Rainy swears that all of my doctors are going to line up and put me on the first plane back the US. I don't know, sometimes that not a bad idea! Anyway, I think Dr. Evil enjoys getting me worked up. We've since made up and he's very pleased with my progress.

Now it's time to move him toward visits twice per month...not a chance at 85 euros per hour, but one can dream.

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